Insydeh20 Bios Flash Utility Download

Insydeh20 bios flash utility download windows 10

This article explain how to create a booteable USB stick to flash an EFI flasheable file under DOS enviroment.

Insydeh20 Bios Flash Utility WinFlash will give you the option of getting a BIOS file from the web, or using owe that you've saved on a device such as your hard drive or a USB thumbdrive. This utility doesn't provide much in terms of options, just the ability to flash a BIOS file that's been obtained. Below you can download bios insydeh20 setup utility rev 5.0 driver for Windows. File name: biosinsydeh20setuputilityrev5-0.exe Version: 2.2.3 File size: 11.639 MB Upload source: original install disk Antivirus software passed: AVG Download Driver (click above to download). Modify UEFI BIOS on mainly desktop-based mainboards. UEFI BIOS Updater is a free utility which can be used to edit UEFI BIOS on systems with certain types of mainboards. UEFI BIOS Updater is able to detect the versions of the OROM/EFI modules, which are inside an AMI UEFI BIOS file and update: a) the most important OROM/EFI modules (incl. Various 'Universal TRIM in RAID0 modified' ones) and b.

Insydeh20 Bios Flash Utility Download

Insydeh20 Bios Flash Utility Download Software

Is my EFI InsydeH2O?

The easiest way to figure that is looking on the 'BIOS POST Screen' for this image:

Step 0 - Preparing the work enviroment

  1. You must create a folder on your desktop to use it as workspace. I will use one named 'Toolbox'.
  2. Your current Windows user account must have administrator rights.
  3. You must have the Windows based executable file that contains the EFI flasheable file. If you don't have one, enter to Support Website page and get one for your computer. I will use one named 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE.EXE'.
  4. Step 0 done.

Step 1 - Preparing working tools

  1. Download and install 7-Zip.
  2. Download 'HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool' here. Save this file inside 'Toolbox' folder.
  3. Download 'DOS Files' here. Save this file inside 'Toolbox' folder.
  4. Download 'Flash It Tool' here. Save this file inside 'Toolbox' folder.
  5. Extract files downloaded in 2, 3 and 4. A folder will be created for each extracted ZIP file.
  6. Step 1 done.

Step 2 - Creating a booteable USB stick

  1. Connect your USB stick. Make a backup of it contents if necessary.
  2. Open 'HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool' folder and execute 'HPUSBFW.EXE' with administrator rights.
  3. Follow these easy steps as shown below:
  4. Search and select 'DOS Files' folder:
  5. Click on 'Accept' button and then click on 'Start' button to initiate the process.
  6. A warning window appears. Click on 'Yes' button and wait until the entire process is completed.
  7. Click on 'Accept' button to close the summary window and then click on 'Close' button to close the application.
  8. Step 2 done.

Step 3 - Copying the flashing tool

  1. Open 'Flash It Tool' folder.
  2. Select all files and copy them to the root directory of your USB stick.
  3. Step 3 done.

Step 4 - Extracting the Windows based EFI update package

  1. Copy 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE.EXE' file to your 'Toolbox' folder.
  2. Secondary click (left click) on 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE.EXE'.
  3. Select '7-Zip', then select 'Extract to 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE'.
  4. A new folder named 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE' will be created with files inside.
  5. Open 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE' folder and open 'platform.ini' file. It's important to keep this file open.
  6. Step 4 done.

Step 5 - Finding the flasheable EFI file

  1. In 'platform.ini' file, search for the section called '[FDFile]'.
  2. Look for the 'FileName' attribute. This attribute sets the flasheable EFI file name.
  3. Look inside your 'EFIUPDATEPACKAGE' folder for that file, and rename it to 'FLASHME.ROM'.
  4. Copy 'FLASHME.ROM' file to the root directory of your USB stick.
  5. Step 5 done.

Step 6 - Setting the computer platform

  1. Look inside your USB stick and open the '' file with a plain text editor (notepad is enough).
  2. In 'platform.ini' file, search for the section called '[Platform_Check]'.
  3. Copy each 'PlatformName' attribute (only if it have a non-empty value) to '' file.
  4. Saves changes to file.
  5. Step 6 done.

Step 7 - Finishing

  1. Close all files and folders opened.
  2. Remove securely your USB stick.
  3. Step 7 done.

Appendix A - Flash It Tool parameters established

/U /S /G /V /ALL /

Insydeh20 Bios Flash Utility Download Windows 7

Appendix B - Flash It Tool parameters

/UShow confirm message
/NDo not reboot after flash
/SShutdown after flash
/GSave current BIOS to file
/ACDo not check AC plug in
/ABCheck battery life percent
/MCSkip all platform model check
/PQQuery ROM protection MAP in current ROM
/I:StringUpdate logo (need Himem.sys)
/O:StringOutput file (Must use with /I)
/LG:StringLogo GUID; update small logo required (must use with /I)
/BFlash PEI volume
/ALLFlash all
/E: Offset(Hex), Size(Hex), Address(Hex)Update fix size from file offset to physical address
/FMFlash CPU Microcode
/FVFlash Variable
/FDFlash DXE

Flash EC

/FLFlash logo
/FPFlash password
/FT:valueFlash OEM special type
/LFLoad Fd file by another floopy disk
/CClear CMOS
/PSFlash SPI flash part
/PNFlash non-SPI flash part
/VVerify file integrity
/RVRead variable
/WV:StringWrite variable to new string
/WU:StringWrite variable (UNICODE)
/1Save current BIOS to file (1Mbits from memory)
/2Save current BIOS to file (2Mbits from memory)
/4Save current BIOS to file (4Mbits from memory)
/8Save current BIOS to file (8Mbits from memory)
/DIDisable ID display
/RB:FilenameRead variable (to a binary file)
/WB:FilenameWrite variable (from a binary file)
/UU:StringCompare UUID with current BIOS
/SE:StringCompare serial number with current BIOS
/GU:StringCompare GUID with current BIOS
/PMCA:ModelNameUsed to check Platform model name
/PMCAF:FileNameUsed to check Platform model name inside FileName