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Most awarded, highly recommended. Do this because we know the importance ofdatasafety. But don’t just take our word for it.
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AOMEI OneKey Recovery Creates a Custom Windows RecoveryPartitionWindows…If you'd like to create your own recovery partition, AOMEI adds that backupfunctionto any PC.
AOMEI Centralized Backupper (ACB) is a great centralized backupsoftware, and you can use one computer on a network to start, schedule, and monitorbackupjobs on the computers that are running the Agent install.
AOMEI MBackupper is an excellent backup softwarewhichcan replaceiCloud and iTunes. In addition to iPhone, you can also backup andrestore iPad and eveniPod. AOMEI MBackupper is a professional iPhone data backup tooldesigned toavoid any dataloss.
I wish to inform you that AOMEI Backupper is thebest backupsoftware I have used. I installed Win AIK, then created a USB bootdevice and did a backupto system partitions, and it worked perfectly.
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